Tuesday 4 May 2010

Come on, Dave! You know you can win it - a bit more effort, we are all behind you!

Give them a good kicking!

I watched this disgusting display at the Citizens UK meeting. I thought yellow streak Brown had scraped the barrel when dragging his family into it, but now claiming divine support is just too much for me. Yellow streak Brown in his speech reminded the audience about the words in the Bible about moneylenders. Perhaps he has forgotten that he should have been asking for forgiveness for his debts. The debts that he has put round the neck of this country by his actions. It is he who has put this country into the hands of the moneylenders. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone. He cannot be exiled from Whitehall quick enough!
Its no surprise that Labour are likely to take a bath. Its also no surprise that Lib Dem support is evaporating as voters realise that one or more of their policies (nuclear deterrent, the Euro, immigration) is something they cannot endorse.
So come on, Dave! You know you can win it - a bit more effort, we are all behind you!

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