Saturday 21 September 2024

Liebore Spongers.

 Left wingers love the trough just as much as anyone else. The difference is they are more preachy about it and can always find excuses for themselves. Politicians who rant about the sins of others are too often the most likely to be guilty themselves. Greedy Kier and his wife, Victoria Sponger, are typical examples of the self-righteous left with their trotters and snouts firmly planted in the trough.
So quick to rant and rage at the Tories, particularly 'wallpaper gate' yet now it seems this so called party of 'the working man and woman' are way, way ahead in the stakes of being on 'the take'. As for Starmer, Raynor, and Reeves et al declaring that they wont, in future, accept donations towards clothes, what a joke! I should think if you've already been 'outfitted' with a high end wardrobe of multi tailored suits, designer dresses etc, you wouldn't need to have more for quite a while!! As for Lammy accepting a very 'generous personal donation from a 'Saudi Arabian' donor, I can not even start to imagine what is expected in return. He should definitely 'go', now!

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