Saturday 12 May 2012

Now another "tosser" leaves a sinking labore ship.

Peter Hain was the man who flew off to a meeting of European ministers with the sole purpose of getting the word 'Federal' taken out of the Lisbon Treaty. He then made the claim on the BBC that there was no risk to British Sovereignty.
Now we have the situation where our elected Government has to beg on its knees to an unelected ECHR in order to deport people who are a risk to our lives.
Peter Hain is also the man who attempted to hand away Gibralter along with Tony Blair.
Peter Hain like the unprincipled opportunist Kinnock never had a proper job and is certainly up their with the slimiest of the labour stooges like Mandelson, Straw, Harperson etc.
The man is yet another Traitor who should swing by the neck and the sooner the better.

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