Sunday 17 October 2010

"We think tax, on the banks in particular, should play a bigger role in this," Mr Johnson told the BBC One's The Andrew Marr Show.

Same old story from a Red Ed's shadow cabinet and what they are proposing is yet another tax on banks; And how is postman Pat Johnson going to stop the HSBC from going back to Hong Kong, Barclays to New York, and RBS and Lloyds going to hell? So the fact he has no academic qualifications is an insult and a requirement to having any intelligence?
It is amazing how this man hasn't an 'O' level in anything and is appointed Shadow Chancellor. What does he know about anything considering his dysfunctional Government left a legacy of massive debt and a spend thrift civil service.
This ex postman like yellow streak Brown with no back ground in banking or finance would do better to keep his mouth shut and lie low until he is removed.
None of these labour stooges should never be allowed to form a government after the mess they have left behind.

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