Wednesday 28 August 2024


The Rose Garden Speech by Broken Promise Keir.

So, broken promise Keir in his speech today says he is fixing the foundations and not wall papering over the cracks. He needs to heed his own words and instead of calling all protesters Far Right with threats of prison he needs to fix the foundations on why these protests happened and address the immigration problem that brought people to the streets.

I am yet to hear anything from Starmer on the root cause for these protests, but he has plenty to say on the root cause for raising taxes and the removal of the pensioners heating allowance. I don’t understand why the morning BBC presenters and the rest aren’t cross examining Starmer about all the recent issues. If the Tories had decided to bring these new reforms in Sky, BBC and the ITV teams would be wiping the floor with them! No mention of rising illegal immigrant figures, no hardline cross examining about stopping the pensioners heating allowance, it seems MORE like a state owned tv!  A lefty BBC News today played down the stabbings and arrests at the street carnival in London by explaining that it’s the second biggest street carnival in the world, and many officers injuries were minor; so that’s ok then? No, because 334 people were arrested during the Notting Hill Carnival with 50 Police Officers injured. 3 firearms recovered and 49 arrests for other weapons so will we see the speedy processing of these cases? I haven’t seen any of them arrested or in court, sentenced or paraded on the news like the so called far right were. I wonder why? Do the right thing Starmer send them to jail, their thugs just like the far-right thugs.


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